Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Red Stairs

Another image from a while back, 2006. I was still taking film classes and learning to use my Nikon D70 and went downtown to shoot with a friend. I am not sure why I did not photograph this building directly head-on instead of at an angle, but all of my shots are like this although some were horizontal and included the left side of the building. Someone who knows Houston may know what this building is, but I do not --- apartments? Offices? I don't think it is a hotel. The stairs really are a vibrant red.

Camera info: Nikon D70, 18 - 70 kit lens at f4.5 and 1/50th, ISO 200, auto whitebalance, jpg.
Post processing: cropped and corrected for perspective distortion, cloned in missing bricks and removed bright white labels on doors, ran PopSickle for details, merged and changed the blending mode to Vivid Light at 40% opacity, duplicated again in Multiply at 40% opacity, darkened stairs with Touch of Dark action, Hue/Sat layer to reduce red to tone down the vibrancy of the stairs.


  1. I like this shot but, I struggle with whether it needs to be cropped from one side or the other. I'm sure you were centering the windows on the building when you took it. I'm a little torn about what would look better. It may be just fine and that's why I can't put my finger on a change.


  2. This image calls to me. Perhaps the leaving the space uneven adds another edgy feature?
