Monday, May 25, 2009

More creepy faces

It was hard to find a way to capture this wall in just one image. I even went back several times at different times of the day but on clear days there are many shadows from basketball goals or the wall itself during the "golden hours", plus that area is not the safest part of Houston and you should not go alone. The top image gives you a better idea of the tiles that are obviously the children's artwork and for the other 2 images I tried to process the closeups a little "moodier" and for as much detail and texture as possible.
Camera info: Nikon D200, top image 18 -70 3.5 -5.6 lens at f8 and 1/800th -.33 exposure comp, ISO 200, shade whitebalance, close ups taken with 50mm lens at f2 and 1/20th ISO 200, 1/40th ISO 400
Post processing: top image: straightened the bottom brick ledge, duplicated the layer in linear burn blending mode at 40% opacity, duplicated that layer in multiply at 55%, levels for brightness, hue/sat to tone down the red tiles, sharpened with high pass filter. Close ups: duplicated the background in linear burn at 40% opacity, duplicated again in multiply blending mode at 55% opacity, curves for contrast in luminosity mode, sharpened with the Edge, ran "Ancient" action from Kubota at 25% opacity.


  1. What's that problem with light? I have the answer, it is the always available light in the bag--FLASH! I must admit, I find it very hard to get my flash to work on a surface like this one. I think your shallow depth of field on the faces really makes for an interesting image. Good job.

  2. Cindi, my favorites of the mask series are the simpler shots. The blue framed single mask shots above and the B&W semi-profile shot below really are the more powerful shots to me. Complexity though simplicity I would say. Good job. Larry
